Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Leaky Seals May Delay Shuttle Launch

Leaky hudraulic sealy on the space shuttle Discovery will need to be replaced before launch, and NASA officials say the extra work could delay next month's flight. The seals in the right main landing gear must be replaced because of the hydraulic fluid that is currently leaking out. This project includes removing the brakes, wheels and tires, and NASA is still unsure just how long the project will take. The flight was scheduled to take off for the International Space Station on Oct. 23rd.

This delay is a problem because the astronauts aboard will be going out on five spacewalks during their two-week mission. They will be responsible for outfitting a new space station with live-in compartments and also practicing repairs on damaged shuttle thermal tiles. Time is money, and it does not do NASA any good to have these astronauts on the ground.

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