Monday, October 15, 2007

NASA Scopes Winter Homes for Mars Rovers

The Mars Exploration Rovers have already weathered 2 tough winters on the Mars surface, and mission managers are looking ahead to yet a third chilly season. All this from a mission that was only suppose to last 90 days! The Spirit Rover is searching for a spot to hide during the upcoming Martian winter, which will last from sometime in March 2008 through Oct. 2008. Even though Mars has a tilt similar to the Earth's, Martian seasons last longer because the planet takes almost twice as long to circle the sun (almost 687 days). Principle scientist of the Mars Exploration Rover team at Cornell University said "When you're talking about the rovers surviving winter on Mars, planning many months in the future is really important, but its too soon to tell where we might situate them."

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