Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars
Future Mars Craft Inspires High-Tech Spy Plane
DARPA started a program earlier this year called Rapid Eye to demonstrate technology that would lead to development of a rocket-delivered unmanned plane to fly high over the site of a natural disaster or other "hot spot." The idea is to give the U.S. president a first, quick look at the scene, DARPA Director Tony Tether said, following his talk at the Geoint 2007 Symposium in San Antonio.
New Data Dispute Theory That Mars Had a Warm Climate
Donna Shirley- Mars Exploration Program Manager
She entered college in the 1950s with the purpose of studying aeronautic engineering. However, engineering schools were still an all-male bastion. When she walked into her advisor's office he said "What are you doing here?"
She replied, "I'm enrolling in aeronautical engineering".
"Girls can't be engineers" He said.
She declared, "Yes I can", and did.
She managed the Mars Exploration Program Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and on July 4, 1997 the entire world watched as the Mars Pathfinder and the Sojourner Rover successfully landed on Mars. Two months later the Mars Global Surveyor successfully went into orbit around the red planet. Not only were these events two of the U.S. space program's greatest successes, but they may well provide the world with some of the most important scientific data of the 20th and 21st centuries. According to Shirley, "My proudest moment was having my daughter, my second moment was when the Pathfinder and Sojourner actually worked. When you consider that it was going 17,000 miles an hour and it wasn't supposed to make just another hole in the ground—well, that was a great achievement." Donna Shirley retired in August 1998 as Manager of the Mars Exploration Program after a 32-year career at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Electrified Dustdevils on Mars
Researchers came to this conclusion after chasing tornadoes across deserts in Arizona and Nevada. They unsuspectingly came across fields carrying 4,000 volts of energy per meter. On Mars dust devils can be much larger than tornadoes seen on Earth, only creating a bigger danger. "Dust particles in a devil become electrified because they rub against one another. It's like shuffling your feet across the carpet, the researchers explained. But they figured the positive and negative particles would be evenly mixed in a dust devil, keeping the overall electrical charge in balance."
Instead, it turns out smaller and lighter particles picked up negative charges and were lifted higher in the funnel, while the heavier/positive particles were sent down. This seperation created a situation similar to a battery.
While we cannot yet guess what it will actually be like on Mars, but as our knowledge grows it is interesting how many problems (and hopefully solutions) come up.
Atlas of Mars
Monday, October 29, 2007
Skintight, Lightweight Suit Perfect for Mars?
Inspired by Giraffes, aeronautics professor Dava Newman saught to encorporate their use of tight skin to the body to maintain healthy blood pressure while protecting the body from the lack of atmosphere.
Mars Caves Forged by Volcanoes and Meteors
It's meteor impacts and volcanoes which are thought to make Martian caves. Lava tubes, like those found near Earth's volcanoes, have been recently identified from Mars orbiting spacecraft. While melted ice by meteor impacts may create all the ingredients for bursts of cavern formation around the impact zone.
Damage Discovered on 100 Billion Dollar Space Station
Damage was discovered in a joint supporting the station's solar arrays, a problem that NASA engineers will now have to solve.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Mars Ice Shaken Not Stirred
The signs of water ice are obvious today at Mars' poles. But as you move towards the equator, there is plenty of evidence of water ice having shaped the surface in different ways not so long ago. Widespread bumpy polygonal patterned ground near the poles suggest the contraction and expansion of icy permafrost ground (similar to Earth's arctic). Also, between 30 and 60 degrees latitude in both hemispheres, the patterned ground gives way to a pervasive pitted texture of once ice-rich dust deposits.
"It's a quest to understand the Martian water cycle"
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Get Hands-on with Another Planet: Martian Soil Simulant Now Available
"These simulants are really a great way to get a feel for another planet," said Marty Gustafson, ORBITEC's project manager for lunar and Martian simulant production. "Kids tend to be fascinated by them, asking question after question about life in space. It really brings science to a new level when they can hold it in their hand."
Friday, October 26, 2007
Mars with Ice: Detailed Picture of Frigid Red Planet Emerges
What were just a few years ago small hints about Mars' water and climate, as seen in a few "postage-stamp" high-resolution images and topography, have given way to broader theory that explains not only the features seen on the planet today, but imply a dynamic history of Martian climate change.
"When you have postage stamps, it's like studying a hair on an arm instead of the whole arm," said Mars researcher James Head III of Brown University. Head will present the latest integrated global view of Martian surface features and how they fit with Martian climate models on October 28, 2007, at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Denver.
The pictures now reveal a range of ice-made features that show a strong preference to certain latitudes, Head explains. As on Earth, latitude-dependent features can mean only one thing: latitude-dependent climate.
I probably found the greatest website known to man. It’s all about Mars and the best part is that the majority of the website is fun games. I ended up playing on this site for over and hour and I know you guys will love it. Here are some of the things you can do on it.
-Who wants to be a Martian? It is exactly like who wants to be a millionaire and you can even phone a friend, poll the audience, and get a 50/50.
-Find out how much you would weigh on Mars (I’d be 89 lbs)
-Test your memory skills
-Asteroid commander (test your skills as you shoot down asteroids)
-9 square unscramble (there’s a picture and it is all mixed up and you have to place the
pieces in the right place
-Mars quizzes-how much do you really know about the red planet?
-Tic Tac Toe
-Mar concentration- it test your memory
-Word search- help find lost Martian words
-Mars adventure- You and your crew are about to blast off to Mars! What will you take on your long journey into space? (I failed my mission because all I brought was a band aid).
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Risky Business - manned flight to Mars
The Russian module launch marked a critical milestone toward a permanent human presence on the International Space Station, but many people would rather see expedited plans for more ambitious and distant missions piloted by people. Recent discoveries indicating subterranean water on Mars and oceans below Europa's ice sheets have renewed calls from the Planetary Society and other advocacy groups to reinstate a goal lost after the last Apollo moon landing in 1972: human exploration beyond Earth orbit. But NASA seems devoted to robotic probes, which circumvent the difficulties of supporting human life far from terra firma. Space, flight surgeons emphasize, is not exactly a safe place. Some of this risk assessment comes from learning by doing: We have definitively measured the irreversible bone loss suffered by long-term orbiting astronauts, for example. Other insight comes from reviewing our humbling inability to predict mechanical failures like the abrupt decompression that killed three Soyuz 11 cosmonauts in 1971.
Mars Movies!!!!
Beating the Curse of Mars
In August 2007 NASA launched the Phoenix mission which hopes to study the geographical history of water and search for evidence of a habitable zone beneath the surface.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Mars Becomes Political
John McCain-- Short stroll
Al Gore-- Was kicked out of an event
Alan Keyes-- Eager
Bill Bradley-- Blank stare
Dick Gephardt-- Vague thumbs-up
I thought this was pretty interesting since we often talk about the many things we can do, but we sometimes don't think about the practicality of them happening.
Mars Volcanoes Possibly Not Extinct
Research on Hawaiian volcanoes + satelite imagry have given scienctists new momentum in theorizing about the make up of Mars present landscape. Sparce impact craters near the Tharsis region could be evidence of recent eruptions.
NASA Langley Celebrates 90 Years of Aerospace Innovation
Then came 1958 and the dawn of the space race. The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, which had established Langley, became NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The newly named Langley Research Center added space exploration to its repertoire.
Asia follows economic trend for growth, as China launches orbiter
Asia's space race heated up on Wednesday as China launched its first lunar orbiter, an event hailed by the world's most populous nation as a milestone event in its global rise.
China's year-long expedition, costing 1.4 billion yuan (184 million dollars), kicks off a programme that aims to land an unmanned rover on the moon's surface by 2012 and put a man on the moon by about 2020.
Mars today
I found an excellent site called Mars Today that depicts current conditions on Mars and its relationship to Earth in six panels. The panels include: the current positions of Mars and Earth in their orbits around the Sun, two views of the positions of Mars and Earth from vantage points near the ecliptic (the plane of Earth’s orbit), comparison of the apparent size of the Martian disc as viewed from Earth with the size of Earth’s disc as viewed from Mars, a simulated image of mars as it would appear at the present time to a very high resolution Earth-based telescope, and there is also a few more panels. Truly a fascinating site that I recommend you all should see. It makes me feel so close to Mars.
NASA uses new camera to plan Mars mission
The camera is circling the planet on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and is operated by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. The camera has produced over 2,500 high-resolution images of Mar's surface and nearly 3,000 atmospheric observations.
Chinese Rockets Blast off to Moon
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Life from Mars theory put to test
University of Aberdeen experts had the rock attached to an unmanned Russian craft and found life would probably only survive in a large meteorite.
Further details about the experiment will be revealed at the Highland Science Festival on 3 November.
A slab quarried from Cruaday, Sandwick, was sent to Vienna to be specially sculpted into the right shape.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Mars Mission's Invisible Enemy: Radiation
NASA postpones plans for Mars samples
Recent news in Mars exploration showed that NASA announced late last month that it would delay by nearly a decade plans to bring back samples from the Red Planet. According to the new strategy, the agency may not launch its first sample-return mission until 2014. That means Mars material won't be delivered to Earth until 2016, 8 years later than the agency had originally proposed. NASA said it would use the extra time to send missions that will scope out favorable landing spots for landers retrieving samples and create new relay stations to improve communication with those craft. The agency had earlier announced that it would launch the Mars Odyssey orbiter in 2001 and two craft in 2003 that would travel on the surface. Under the new plan, NASA will also send aloft, in 2005, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. This craft will look for signs of water in Mars' past by scanning the planet's surface at a resolution fine enough to image rocks the size of beach balls.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Want to Go to Mars? Crews Wanted for Mock Missions
The Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) has hosted numerous research experiments. They were the first all women and all men crews who resided within the Mars hab. The MDRS has also been host to the first children to live, study and play while in full simulation during the Family Living Analysis on Mars Expedition (F.L.A.M.E.) missions conducted in June 2005, March 2006, and March 2007.
Long-lived Mars rovers to keep on roving
Now, for the fifth time since they landed in January 2004 for what were expected to be two separate 90-day missions, NASA has extended the rovers' exploratory tasks again.
There are no guarantees that the two rovers, named Spirit and Opportunity, will keep working as they have, but NASA said their missions will continue "possibly through 2009."
"We are extremely happy to be able to further the exploration of Mars," Alan Stern, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington, said in a statement. "The rovers are amazing machines, and they continue to produce amazing scientific results, operating far beyond their design life."
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Martian Volcanoes May Not be Extinct
Suggestion to Dr. Bates: Field Trip to Mars
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Space Spending gets Boost
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said its decision to keep the robots Spirit and Opportunity in operation, possibly through 2009, is dependent upon the rovers' continued productivity and operability.
Japan Sets Its Sights on the Moon
-The capital of
Who knows what could be next for
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
NASA Orbiter provides color views of Mars Landing Site Candidates
It has been less than a year since beginning the prime science phase of its mission; NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has so far been a huge success by returning a vast amount of data. The amount of data is equivalent to about 5,000 CD-ROMS full and exceeds the total from all other current and past Mars missions combined. The biggest shares of data come from two (there are 6 total) science instruments. The camera team in charge of the Orbiter is also releasing a color movie covering Mars Science Laboratory landing site in Nili Fossae. It is amazing to me just how much information we are getting from Mars.
Monday, October 15, 2007
NASA Scopes Winter Homes for Mars Rovers
A private view of Phoenix and Mars
Most talk about the Mars mission is about the chances of proving whether there has ever been life on Mars
"What I hope that we can find – and I have no way of knowing – is that the ice preserves the organic material that has at least fallen on Mars over the last four billion years," Smith says. "A lot of it comes from asteroids and comets – you find organics on the Moon, for gosh sake. Why don't you find it on Mars?"
Funding Mars Missions Has Changed
However, there is also a problem with this new strategy. Subsequent missions are in trouble and at least one future Mars probe has been scrapped to free up funding for a more expensive mission. There are trade-offs when deciding where to focus the money and NASA is currently trying to find the best mix so that they may advance our knowledge of Mars. The most important conversation is one pertaining to the Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission. This mission is important because it would bring Martian rocks back to Earth for laboratory analysis. Many see this as a crucial step, but it is a costly one. Only time will tell with what is in store for a mission of this magnitude. NASA is doing everything it can with its seemingly dwindling funds.
NASA Mars Rover Status: Hardy Spirit Rover Continues to Celebrate Milestones
Communication with Mars Express demonstrates the value of having multiple spacecrafts at Mars.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I Love Mars, and I Vote
The Mars Society is a nonprofit group that pushes for human exploration and settlement of Mars. Mars Society members like Carberry attend presidential campaigns in order to ask the question: "As president, would you send a man to Mars?"
In the last two presidential election cycles, Carberry met every major candidate. "He took a short stroll with John McCain, and got kicked out of an event by Al Gore's secret service contingent. He got a surprisingly eager response from Alan Keyes, a blank stare from Bill Bradley, and a vague thumbs-up from Dick Gephardt. Now, with the 2008 primary campaign well under way, he's on the trail again."
Friday, October 12, 2007
NASA`s Mars Rovers back in business
Nasa discovering prime landing spots on Red Planet
Mars Science Laboratory needs a financial advisor
The Nuclear-powered Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) has gone over in cost. It has now spent about $1.7 billion. NASA senior Mars management has directed that no additional funds be spent on a remote-sensing laser instrument called ChemCam, a descent imaging camera, and has also cut off a couple other instruments that can’t fit into their budget. The MSL project team is trying to figure out a way to cover the $75 million cost overrun so they can “clean up the mess.” After reading this article it sounds like MSL needs a financial advisor.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Synthetic Emeralds to be used in 2009 Mars Mission
US+Russian Collaboration
Photos taken by the HiRISE aparatus will add a whole new dimension to photos taken of Mars. Incorporating infrared, blue-green and red filters into its picture taking will help scientists see exactly what kind of elements they are looking at. Substances like dust, ice, etc. will all appear different in photos taken by the HiRISE camera. Extremely large photos (multigigabite images) will also reveal a lot of information to researchers.

The mesas seens in this false-color HiRISE image are part of another clay-rich region of Mars of great interest to scientists searching for evidence of ancient Martian life.
NASA Scopes Winter Homes for Mars Rovers
The Mars Exploration Rovers have weathered two drab winters on the Martian surface, and mission managers are already looking ahead to yet a third chilly season. All this from a mission that was only designed to last 90 days.
The Spirit rover is searching for a spot to stick it out during the upcoming Martian winter, which will last from March 2008 through October 2008, according to a statement from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
Although Mars has a tilt similar to Earth's, Martian seasons last longer because the planet takes almost twice as long to circle the Sun—almost 687 Earth days.
"When you're talking about the rovers surviving winter on Mars, planning many months in the future is really important," said Steve Squyres, principal scientist of the Mars Exploration Rover team at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. "But it's too soon to tell where we might situate them."
Self-sufficient Space Habitat Designed
Space Makes Bacteria More Dangerous
Experiments show that a germ causing food poisoning and other illnesses can be three times more dangerous in space than on the ground. This only adds to the endless list of risks that astronauts need to be aware with when possibly going on a manned mission to mars or even the moon. The study also shows that the immune system weakens during longs trips in space. That means your bodies immune system would definitely be susceptible on a mission to Mars. So the lesson to be learned here: our future astronauts to Mars better have strong immune systems otherwise who knows how ill they could become
New Images Used to Pick Mars Lander Site
Color also helps geologists match layers in the Martian terrain. "Color data are proving very useful in interpreting geologic processes and history on Mars," McEwen said. "The images we're releasing today include views of some of the most exciting and compositionally diverse areas on the planet. They are really interesting."
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Cost of Sending 11 Missions to Mars = 1 Mission in Iraq

This little blog post made it big with lots of links and Diggs. I found it really insightful and it puts things in perspective.
Basically, if we didn't go into Iraq, then we could have funded somewhere between 5 and 11 independent human missions to Mars! Independent means "Mars mission programs that start from the ground up, and do not leverage each other's technology, research, or manufacturing."
3SL beats software gaints for NASA contract
New TV series “Race to Mars”
The Discovery Channel
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Google Mars Provides Google "Earth Service"
Agilent software development tools test Mars Exploration Rover mission's communications equipment
NASA aims to put man on Mars by 2037
NASA aims to put a man on Mars by 2037 (according to the administrator of the
NASA Selects Space Radiation Projects
The 17 projects were selected from 98 proposals received from academia and government laboratories. The potential value of the selected proposals is about 15 million dollars! It will be interesting to see which final proposal is selected...
Monday, October 8, 2007
Manned missions a thing of the past
Radiation Levels Manageable
While the radiation appears to be manageable, an official said a network of radiation sensors in the inner solar system will be needed to warn Mars astronauts of impending space storms so that they can take cover.
Radiation levels were monitored over the past year by NASA's Odyssey spacecraft and projected to a three-year period, roughly how long a crewed mission to the Red Planet might last.
Do to the orbital cycles of both Earth and Mars a three-year mission would be the only possibility. Learning to deal with consequences of radiation is one important step in making Mars travel safe.
Mars rover Spirit Arrives at "Stratigraphic Wonderland"
The Rover Spirit completes its longest 5-wheel drive to a rock surface called “Texas Chili.” Scientists call this area a “stratigraphic wonderland.” This area is the focus for an in-depth scientific investigation. Scientist are getting a lot of useful information out of Spirit and it could give us information we did not know about Mars. Spirit begins each Martian day by measuring atmospheric dust with its panoramic camera, checking for drift (changes with time) in the miniature thermal emission spectrometer, and surveys the sky and ground with a miniature thermal emission spectrometer. This is a good article and if you want to find out more about spirit than I recommend that you go to this site:
Dawn Begins a 1.7 billion-mile trip
These two bodies located on the asteroid belt are in orbit between Mars and Jupiter. The idea behind using the same set of instruments at both destinations is so that NASA can more accurately formulate comparisons and contrasts. The instruments will measure shape, surface topography, tectonic history, elemental and mineral composition, as well as seek information on water-bearing minerals.
Russia To Carry Out Up To 20 Space Projects By 2015
"We are very proud that our country was the first (talking about sattelite launch in 1957). Our current space potential is sufficient for all areas of space research and exploration activity, from spacecraft development to the result, leading into orbit," Anatoly Perminov said. "The fundamental research performed within the short period [50 years] has changed our view of the world."
Sunday, October 7, 2007
"Mars Rising" Airs Tonight
Google Explores the Final Frontier with Google Mars
Bring Mars to life.
Book Description
This digital document is an article from The Futurist, published by World Future Society on January 1, 1989. Mars could one day be biogenetically transformed into a living planet, according to genetic scientists.
Citation Details
Title: Bringing Mars to life. (biogenetically transforming Mars into a living planet)
Publication: The Futurist (Magazine/Journal)
Date: January 1, 1989
Publisher: World Future Society
Volume: v23 Issue: n1 Page: p42(1)
Friday, October 5, 2007
Canada heading for Mars exploration
Russia to help NASA explore Moon and Mars
Under agreements signed by NASA administrator Michael Griffin and the head of Russia's space agendy Anatoly Perminov, Russia will provide equipment for scanning for water on the Moon that could eventually help lead to its human habitation, said Gordon Chin, a NASA scientist leading the project.
Chin followed up by saying that the Russia equipment, basedon nuclear technology currently used by geologists in the oil industry, would be part of a Lunar Reconaissance Orbiter that will orbit the Moon about 50 Kilometres from its surface and is to be launched in 2008.
Similar equipment is also being provided by Russia for a NASA rover that will land on the surface of Mars known as the Mars science Laboratory. It will be launched in 2009.
Russia is spending a total of four million dollars or 2.8 million euros on the two projects.
Igor Mitrofanov, a scientist at the Russian Space Research Institute, said, "Russia sees cooperation with NASA as one of the most promising fields of cooperation and is ready in every way to contribute to the development and completion of new projects."
Such projects "demonstrate the commitment by our countries to continue to search for new projects when it is useful to cooperate," Griffin said.
News on Mars Science Laboratory Rover
Former astronaut's son buys space ticket
His father, Owen Garriott, now 76, spent 59 days aboard skylab, American's first space station in 1973 and also flew aboard the space shuttle Columbia in 1983.
"My dad was an astronaut so I grew up believing that space was going to be available for everyone at some point in the future," Richard Garriott said on a phone interview Friday. "But I realized that the NASA method was a statistical improbability. If I was going to get a chance to go myself, it would have to be through private space travel."
NASA Mars Rover Status: Spirit Arrives at "Stratigraphic Wonderland"
"Spirit began each Martian day by measuring atmospheric dust with the panoramic camera, checking for drift (changes with time) in the miniature thermal emission spectrometer, and surveying the sky and ground with the miniature thermal emission spectrometer."
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wanna Buy A Star?
These sort of fabrications go right into the category of buying a star to be named after a friend or family member, but these companies are all succeeding because people want to believe, which shows a lot of interest in the great beyond, which will increase the chances of future exploration..
Could Cheese Be Sold on Mars
Pictures taken from the mars reconnaisance rover by a high resolution camera.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Russia, US to Cooperate on Space Trips to Moon and Mars
"These two projects demonstrate the commitment by our countries to continue to look for opportunities where it's mutually beneficial to cooperate," Griffin said. "When these opportunities happen it's our intent to work together to bring them to fruition."
In October of 2008, LEND (a Russian instrument) will be mounted on LRO (a NASA probe) and launched in hopes of discovering sources of water under the moon's poles. A year later, another Russian instrument will be placed on a NASA rover to be sent to Mars.
This article encourages entrepreneurs to keep digging deep for the answers that lie out there because there are profits to be had out in space.
What would you eat on Mars?
According to NASA, astronauts will be able to grow crops and cook their own vegetarian meals on future missions to Mars. To find out what future Martian astronauts might eat, Earth & Sky spoke to Kim Binstead, chief scientist and lead chef on the 2007 Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station mission – or FMARS mission – which simulated the experience of living on Mars for 100 days.
Dr. Binstead said the crew – stationed in the Arctic for the summer of 2007 – had the same ingredients you’d have on Mars – food with a long shelf life – plus a small indoor garden.
Cheers! Cognac in Outer Space
Remy Space goes through an interesting production process, that enables it to be consumed in space. The alcohol is frozen to negative twelve degrees centigrade (ten degrees Fahrenheit), then ran through the same filters used to recycle used water on the space station. The benefit of this production method is the removal of fatty substances in the cognac, and concentrating the cognacs aroma, making it smooth and fluid at sub-zero temperatures. The alcohol comes in a specialized container that includes a flexible plastic flask with a drinking straw and an anti-leak valve which prevents the alcohol from escaping in zero gravity. To complete the packaging there is a metallized thermal wrapper to block external radiation.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Asia Could Win Next 'Space Race', US scientists fear
One contributing factor to this is the amount of young scientists in Asian countries. In 2004, around 500,000 engineers graduated in China, 200,000 in India, and ony 70,000 in America. "Although many people assume that the US will always be a world leader in science and technology, this may not continue to be the case, we fear the abruptness with which a lead in science and techology can be lost-and the difficulty of recovering a lead once lost, if indeed it can be regained at all."-Author of the report "Rising Abover the Gathering Storm".
Are manned missions needed to explore Mars and beyond?
Mars in the Morning: Red Planet Grows Brighter
But as it continues to approach our Earth in the coming weeks and months, Mars will only be getting brighter: it will surpass Sirius, the brightest star in the sky by Dec. 9 and during the latter half of December it will even almost match Jupiter in brilliance. Mars will come closest to Earth on the evening of December 18th (at around 6:46 p.m. Eastern Standard Time). The planet will then lie 54.8 million miles (88.2 million kilometers) from Earth as measured from center to center. When closest to Earth, Mars' apparent disk diameter will be equal to 15.9 arc seconds.