Monday, March 5, 2007

Destination Is the Space Station, But Many Experts Ask What For

Destination Is the Space Station, But Many Experts Ask What For

So the United States is having a hard time forking over the money to pay for the space station that was put into action in 2004 with sixteen other nations and costs $40 billion dollars, but they are wondering about using their money to make a international base camp on the Moon by 2024. This seems really silly that they will stop funding for something that sixteen nations have agreed upon and go start something new on the Moon. Also, with the cuts in NASA’s budget I really do not see how they will fund this exploration/establishment on their own—why not finish what they have started and then try to get more people to help with the base camp.

With this new base camp they are also really worried about the astronauts because they will lose a lot of their muscles. They are planning on using the moon as a launch pad for astronauts to go to Mars.

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